SlimQuick Extreme- Strongest Female Fat Burner, 120ct Reviews
SlimQuick Extreme- Strongest Female Fat Burner, 120ct Reviews
Other products by NX Care Ratting 2.5 Out of 5.0 Special Offer Total New 20 Total Use 0
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Up to 200% faster release versus capsules and caplets, ensuring you feel the fat-nurning and appetite-suppression effects immediately.
Technical Details
- Yohimbine: A powerful synthetic form for immediate fat-burning results- 11-hydroxy Yohimbine: - A natural half-life up to 8 hours produces a time-released effect for continued fat burning
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By M. Marmolejo
this product does not work at all! It actually made me more hungy... Don't waste ur money on this!
By R. Kennedy
SLIMQUICK made me violently ill. I have thyroid disease and am on Zoloft (anti depression/anxiety pill). Even though I saw the warning label on the box about asking your doctor if you have these I figured it can't be that bad. Wow was I wrong I was violently throwing up and shaking for 8 hours and dehydrated=(. Four hours after that I was getting numb pains in my back and arms and chest pain, heart burn that would not go away. Finally now at 4am I feel starving and dazed but am Okay. Please DO NOT take this unless asking your doctor. This stuff seems pretty dangerous.
By Heather Shotwell
This stuff was horrible, it made me feel so sick. I was unable to work out because I felt sick to my stomach constantly and was very irritable while taking this. I had to throw out most of the bottle because I simply could not take it.
By W. Ehmer
I purchased this product to assist in appetite supression and it does help a little, but mostly boosts your energy. It really is intense and you can feel you energy increase ,but the drop off is not drastic like some ohter products on the market. I would reccomend it for people that work out 3-5 times a week so you can work off the increased energy. There are better appretite suppressant aides.
By Tegan Smith
Ok so I bought this product for two reasons, the first being energy for my p90x workouts, and the second an appetite surpresent. I am not over weight so I didnt purchase this product for weight loss all though it would'nt be a bad bonus. I use to take hydroxycut hardcore but once it was taken off the market I didnt want to purchase the reinvented version because I doubt it is anything like the orginal, so i went with the good reviews on slimquick extreme and got this. I used it for 2 weeks and the only thing it really did for me was make me sweat and make me super jittery. I didnt get the energy i was looking for and I actually got even hungrier, so I love amazon and the feedback( thats what i base my purchases on ) but i guess whats good for one person isnt always good for everyone. So i only give this product 2 stars, but i guess your experience could be a better one!
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